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How to Set, Reset and Disable Windows Password?

June 13th, 2022

This article mainly explains how to password protect Windows 7, reset Windows password if you forgot Windows password, and disable Windows password if you want to skip the Windows logon screen in Windows 7.

Do you plan to update to Windows 7 or buy a new Windows 7 computer in 2011? Here are some quick tips on how to set password for your Windows 7 machine,Guest Posting reset Windows password if you forgot Windows password, and disable Windows password if you want to skip the Windows logon screen in Windows 7.

How to set Windows password?

To create a Windows 7 password, it just as easy as you create a Windows XP or Vista password.

Step 1. Click “Start”, “Control Panel”, “User Accounts and Family Safety”, “User Accounts”.

Step 2. Click “Create a password” under Make changes to your user account in User Account Window.

Step 3. Input and enter your Windows password.

Step 4. Enter your password hint or leave it bank and click “Create password”.

Please remember to create a Windows 7 password reset disk, which can help you reset Windows password when your password get forgotten.

How to reset Windows password?

When you forgot Windows password, you can use password reset disk to reset Windows password if you have one. Otherwise, you can resort to Windows Login Recovery, especially when you are locked out of computer.

Step 1. Download and install Windows Login Recovery.

Step 2. Burn a bootable CD/DVD or USB flash drive.

Step 3. BIOS settings.

Step 4. Reset Windows password under DOS.

Windows Login Recovery is a safe and reliable Windows password recovery tool which allows you to reset Windows password by burning a bootable CD/DVD or USB flash drive.

How to disable Windows password?

There are many ways for you to disable Windows password if you are in need. Here shows how to disable Windows password by control userpasswords2.

Step 1. Click Windows Key + R and enter “control userpasswords2″ in the coming Run box.

Step 2. Press Enter to pop up the classic User Accounts window.

Step 3. Uncheck the box in front of users must enter a user name and password to use this computer, select the user name and click Apply to disable its password.

Step 4. Enter and confirm the password for the selected user name. Then click OK button to finish your operation.

Windows Password Tips

1. Set a strong Windows password composed of letters, numbers and symbols and it should be 8 characters long at least.

2. Don’t contain personal information or a complete word in your Windows password to in case that others easily guess your password.

3. Avoid common password like “123456″, “password”, etc. as these passwords can be easily hacked.

4. Change or reset Windows password on a regular basis, like every month or every 3 months.

5. Don’t use your Windows password everywhere. It should be different from other accounts.

6. Never write your Windows password down on notes plastered